MACROLYNK > Our Company > Company History
Company History

My MACROLYNK and MACROLYNK D are new products from our parent company, LCI. Our current President and CEO, Saul Haro, who was managing the import/export operations for Valeo Wiper Systems, founded LCI in 1996. He saw how inefficient the existing manual operations were for tracking the receipt, status, and re-export of his inventories. There were a lot of people trying to keep track of these operations, and too many sub-optimal decisions were being made, so he created a set of programs to automate the process. After successfully installing it at his company, he realized that any company doing business in a duty-free zone would have similar issues, and founded LCI to answer that set of needs. This first generation system evolved into a more sophisticated second-generation product with increased functionality called SAI-NET.

In 2008, a third generation product was introduced, called Supply-Track. This involved putting SAI-NET on the Internet, and introducing the idea of online collaboration between supply chain partners. With Supply Track, LCI now has 75 customers operating in 7 countries and is continuing to expand their market in the Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific. The company has over eighty employees, mostly in the Americas, with Corporate Headquarters located in Austin, Texas, and the primary Development Center in San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

Now, in 2012, LCI has introduced their fourth generation product, MACROLYNK, a social network that is focused on the business needs of its members. MACROLYNK provides a unique melding of social media with the proven applications found in Supply-Track. MACROLYLNK was initially created to support the needs of a $14.5B manufacturing company in the automotive market and is rapidly gaining acceptance in multiple manufacturing and service-oriented companies.

The second-generation product SAI-NET, while no longer sold, is still supported by LCI and in use by its customers. LCI will be offering a migration strategy to move both SAI-NET and Supply-Track customers over to the new MACROLYNK product over the next years.